
QuickBlox iOS QuickBlox iOS SDK

Achieve seamless integration of real time communication into your native mobile app with our robust iOS SDK.

Question QuickBlox

What is an iOS SDK?

iOS SDKs enable developers to build apps for Apple devices. QuickBlox iOS SDK provides a powerful toolkit for adding live chat, instant messaging, video calling, video conferencing and other communication features to native apps built for the iOS platform. Because our real‑time communication features are pre‑built and available in both preferred programming languages (Objective‑C and Swift), you save time and resources when you build with our ready‑to‑use iOS Video and Chat SDK.

Why use QuickBlox iOS SDK?

QuickBlox chat-integration


Our video and chat SDK for iOS is easy‑to‑use with clear and comprehensive documentation and code samples which means quicker development time.

QuickBlox accessible


Available in both main programming languages — Objective‑C and Swift — makes our SDK suitable for all iOS developers in the Apple ecosystem.

QuickBlox storage


Our feature‑rich iOS SDK can be configured to meet a variety of use cases. Configure chat for 1‑on‑1, private group, and public group chat. Build live chat experience with live chat iOS SDK. Or build powerful HD video calling solutions with our iOS video chat SDK.

QuickBlox Integrate

No need to build from scratch

QuickBlox iOS SDK is a complete and powerful software package ready to install today. Sign up for a QuickBlox account and trial our free video and free chat SDK for iOS for yourself.

Build stunning chat and video calling applications with our feature‑rich QuickBlox iOS SDK

When you build with the QuickBlox iOS SDK you are not limited to a single communication channel or minimalistic functionality. Our iOS Video and Chat SDK is packed with communication features so that you can build the exact user experience that you want.

How to Create an iOS Chat Application?

It’s easy to add stunning communication features to any iOS app with our ready‑to‑use iOS SDK.

QuickBlox install sdk


QuickBlox SDKs are available for Android, iOS, JavaScript, React Native and Flutter. Cross‑platform is easy to set‑up as they all work together.

QuickBlox connect


Before using our SDK you’ll need to initialize it with QuickBlox application credentials. You can copy & paste them from the dashboard.

QuickBlox customizable


Use QuickBlox SDK to create your desired chat experience. You can refer to our sample apps to check out integration best practices.

Run our Code Samples

We want to make our developer experience as smooth as possible, that’s why we provide a series of iOS code samples that work with the QuickBlox platform. These are stored in our GitHub repository along with helpful guides.

QuickBlox Run
  • iOS Chat sample code (Swift/Objective‑C)
  • iOS Video Chat sample code (Swift/Objective‑C)
  • iOS Video Conferencing sample code (Swift/Objective‑C)
  • iOS Push Notification sample code (Swift/Objective‑C)

Set up a free QuickBlox account, select the sample code you want, and go!

iOS Sample Apps

Read our Documentation and Quick Start Guide

Our Quick Start guide is designed to help you get started on a new application with easy‑to‑follow steps. Consult our official documentation which provides clear instructions on how to use our software to build stunning applications.

iOS Quick Start Documentation

App building made easy

Ready to get started?


Additional Resources

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