
QuickBlox React QuickBlox React Native SDK

A cross‑platform SDK that allows you to create native‑like apps that don’t compromise your user’s experience.

Question QuickBlox

What is a React Native SDK?

React Native is a programming framework developed by Facebook that enables developers to create natively rendered cross‑platform apps using JavaScript. QuickBlox’s powerful React Native Chat SDK allows you to build high‑quality real time communication apps, based on a single source code, that work across platforms (iOS & Android) and devices (smartphones & tablets).

Why use QuickBlox React Native SDK?

QuickBlox patient-data

Reach a broader audience

Use QuickBlox video and chat SDK for React Native to build a chat application that is compatible across platforms. Create stunning cross‑platform apps packed with features that perform well on both Android and iOS devices.

QuickBlox save time

Save time and money

Not only do you save resources by building great cross‑platform apps from a single codebase, regular updates from our development team means your app is continuously improved so you don’t have to worry about software maintenance.

QuickBlox video-calling

Don’t limit your app to chat messaging

With our comprehensive React Native SDK you can easily integrate audio and video calling to your application for a fully engaging user experience. This powerful feature allows for one‑to‑one and small group video calls.

QuickBlox customizable

Try for free

Supported by rich documentation and sample apps, why not install our free React Native Chat SDK today. Register for an account and start building now!

Extend your reach across multiple platforms with our robust React Native SDK

Our video and chat SDK for React Native allows you to build exciting chat applications that connect users through audio, video, and chat messaging. Use a single source to deliver powerful communication for both iOS and Android devices.

How to Create a React Native Chat Application?

It’s easy to build React Native chat with our ready‑to‑use React Native Chat SDK.

QuickBlox install sdk


QuickBlox SDKs are available for Android, iOS, JavaScript, React Native and Flutter. Cross‑platform is easy to set‑up as they all work together.

QuickBlox connect


Before using our SDK you’ll need to initialize it with QuickBlox application credentials. You can copy & paste them from the dashboard.

QuickBlox customizable


Use QuickBlox SDK to create your desired chat experience. You can refer to our sample apps to check out integration best practices.

Run our Code Samples

We want to make our React Native software as easy as possible to use, that’s why we’ve created React Native sample apps to get you started. We provide code samples for React Native chat and video calling available on our GitHub repository, along with a guide on how to launch and configure them.

QuickBlox Run
  • React Native Chat sample code
  • React Native Video Chat sample code
  • React Native Video Calling sample code
  • React Native Push Notification sample code

React Native Sample Apps

Read our Documentation and Quick Start Guide

Read our documentation to learn how to implement the QuickBlox React Native SDK with minimum fuss to build React Native real‑time messaging apps that create endless conversation. Try our Quick Start Guide with its easy step‑by‑step instructions to help you get your project up and running fast.

React Native Quick Start Documentation

App building made easy

Ready to get started?


Additional Resources

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