
QuickBlox Chat API

Enabling real time communication for your app by connecting you to QuickBlox’s powerful cloud communication services.

Question QuickBlox

What is a Chat API?

A Chat API allows you to build real time chat for your mobile or web application. An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of code that serves as a mediator, sending requests from a chat application to cloud based service. QuickBlox Chat API connects your application to our powerful cloud communication platform, processing communication requests and facilitating instant messaging between two or more parties via mobile and web applications.

Why use QuickBlox Chat API?

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Built with the best technologies

QuickBlox Chat API is built on XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol), which is an open source technology that enables the exchange of instant messaging and presence information in real time. Commonly used by major instant messaging apps like WhatsApp and others, XMPP provides a powerful real time chat API to support one‑to‑one and group chat experiences.

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Supported by our multi‑platform SDKs

QuickBlox SDKs, which are offered in multiple languages, make the use of our Chat API even simpler. When you install our SDK into your application you are already powered for real time communicatiuickBlox SDKs, or you require server‑to‑servon. If your app’s programming language is not supported by Qer connection, you can use our Chat API directly to integrate QuickBlox functionality with your application.

QuickBlox customizable

Robust communication platform

QuickBlox Chat API connects your app to our powerful back‑end platform. QuickBlox’s cloud‑based communication platform is secure and scalable. When you use our robust infrastructure to help power your app’s communication, you can be sure of building a high‑performance and reliable chat service regardless of the size of your application.

QuickBlox save time

Time & cost effective

Build a real time chat application with ease when you use QuickBlox Chat API (and SDKs). Our pre‑built real time chat software means you can save on development time and costs, and enjoy a quicker time‑to‑market. Sign up for a free QuickBlox account and start building chat today.

Keep up with the digital transformation with QuickBlox Chat API

Create modern communication apps that instantly connect parties. QuickBlox Chat API provides a convenient way to add stunning real time communication features to any application.

Benefits of a real time chat application

QuickBlox Chat API

More and more businesses are discovering the benefits of integrating real time communication features into their web and mobile apps.

  • Enhance employee productivity by facilitating clear and timely communication
  • Improve customer relations by providing responsive customer care
  • Boost customer engagement and customer retention with personalised support
  • Generate trust in your company brand and strengthen customer retention by creating positive user experiences
  • Increase commercial transactions and ultimately support your business growth with modern digital communication

How to Build a Real Time Chat App using QuickBlox Chat API?

QuickBlox provides real time chat SDKs for all popular platforms. These comprehensive software development kits are available in multiple languages and are ready to be downloaded and installed today.

You can access our API directly to integrate QuickBlox real‑time communication functionality if our SDKs do not support your programming language. Our Chat API comes with detailed documentation so that you can easily get started building your messenger app.

API Documentation

Ready to get started?


What is real time communication?

Real time communication is any online interaction and exchange of information between users with little to no latency. Real time communication examples offered by QuickBlox include live chat, instant messaging, peer-to-peer audio & video calls, video conferencing, and video streaming.

Can I use your QuickBlox Chat API for real time video communication?

QuickBlox video chat and conferencing is built on real time communication with WebRTC. To enable video communication functionality you would need to use one of our SDKs which is built on top of our APIs.

Does your chat API support apps built in JavaScript?

We provide real time chat for JavaScript, iOS (Objective-C /Swift), Android (Kotlin/Java), React Native and Flutter. Plus you can access our API directly to integrate QuickBlox functionality with your application if our SDKs do not support your programming language.

How does your Chat API work?

Our Chat API comprises several APIs, application programming interfaces, that send requests from your app to our backend server as well as other cloud based communication services (e.g. there is an API to send push messages via the Apple Push Notification Service). Furthermore our Chat API is built on essential real time communication protocol XMPP, which enables real time chat messaging.

Can I build real time group chat with QuickBlox?

Yes. Our SDKs and API allow you to configure three types of chat including 1-on-1, private group chat, and public group chat.

Additional Resources

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